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Sunday, August 11, 2019

Artist Website vs. Social Media

Artist Website vs. Social Media
As an artist, you need a credible place to create a long-term portfolio of your art to not only showcase your works but to allow people to keep in touch with you as well as having insight over your art market.
Photo by Biafarin
Online Presence is the key
An artist website plays a great role in elevating your online presence and enhancing the perception of your art history and your past and present activities. On the other hand, a good website helps you to keep your art data categorized and updated and it also enables your audience to access your art through text, photos, and videos.
Is social media enough?
Some artists may argue there is no need for a website when they have an active social media presence like Facebook, Twitter or Instagram page. Your social media presence improves your profile visibility and eases your communication with your audience. Yet, it only shows the current status of your art and cannot open a unique gate to your art world. Besides, your website can attract all your potential audience on the net, including the ones with no active social media accounts.
Social media supports the artist website and vice versa.
Website + Social Media
Having a website, along with social media pages, can be the winning combination. This way, you protect your artistic legacy, share your recent activities and take your creative journey to the next level.
How to build a website then?
As an artist, you have several options to build your website. Biafarin platform provides an all-in-one artist development package that includes an easy-to-use dynamic multi-lingual artist website builder.
What's Next?
Check your website preview and go live.

Compare plans and order your website by clicking here.
Add BIAFARINWEBSITEOFF20 on checkout and save 20% until 31 October 2019.


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